
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Original Terminator Cast To Make Come Back?

Last week we brought you news that there had been a pitch for a new Terminator film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Turns out that he is not the only cast member that may come back.

The rumor comes from Latino Review, about the current project titled- Terminator 2012- saying that not only is Arnie attached in his "signature" role, but the "entire original cast" could come back as well.

The report is not very specific, so it is not clear if this includes everyone, or just the majors, specifically- Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor) and Michael Biehn (Kyle Reese).  No one, as of yet, has actually become attached, so this is all sheer speculation, at least until the movie has a producer attached.

Latino Review, which claims to have this info from a valid source, goes on to surmise that the new Terminator film would not fit in the continuity of the last several films, suggesting, that we should go back to Terminator 2: Judgment Day as the "starting point".

What do you think?  Should the original cast reunite? Is this rumor too good to be true??

[Source:  Blastr via Latino Review]

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