
Sunday, April 24, 2011

RaiderJane's (11) Most Anticipated Summer Blockbusters

As the summer movie season is fast upon us, here are some of RaiderJane's top picks for most anticipated summer movie blockbusters in order of appearance.

One of the most highly anticipated superhero movies of the summer (and there are 4 other comic book superhero based films in all).  Thor, God of Thunder, is slated to be released on May 6th and will kick some serious Asgard ass.
He's back....yes, Captain Jack Sparrow will be back in another Pirates of the Caribbean:On Stranger Tides.  We'll be watching this one mostly for the zombies and Ian McShane who has been brilliantly cast as Blackbeard. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is set for release on May 20th, 2011.
X-Men: First Class is slated to be an origins film, and will take us back to the first ever x-men class at Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters. X-Men: First Class is scheduled to be released June 3rd and has a huge ensemble cast to go with it.
The J.J. Abrams' helmed, Spielberg backed, Super 8 is another hugely anticipated film, just for sheer secrecy factor. Word is mum on exactly what it's about, but you can bet that aliens play a big role.  Think of this one as E.T. meets Alien. Super 8 releases June 10.
There is much talk about Green Lantern (yet another comic based superhero). Does Ryan Reynolds have what it takes to pull off the sheer coolness this role requires?  We think he'll do a pretty darn good job.  Green Lantern releases June 17.
Be Afraid, be very afraid.  Yet another Transformers film- Transformers: Dark of the Moon is slated for a summer release.  Let's just hope this one is much better than the last.  Scheduled for release on July 1.

This July, it all ends for our favorite wizard, Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II will take Harry down a dark path that every hero must take. He will finally face Lord Voldemort, but will he come out unscathed?  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II is scheduled for release on July 15.
Yet another superhero tale (and origin story), Captain America: The First Avenger, is based on the Marvel comics superhero and will tell the story of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) who is deemed physically unfit to fight in the war, so he volunteers for secret project 'Rebirth' in which he is transformed into a superhero. Captain America: The First Avenger is scheduled for release on July 22.
Cowboys & Aliens is helmed by Jon Favreau (Iron Man franchise) and executive produced by Steven Spielberg. One word -it's gonna be badass western meets aliens. This movie has awesome written all over it, of course it doesn't hurt that Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford (a yours truly favorite), and Olivia Wilde star. Cowboys & Aliens is scheduled for release on July 29.
Next up is Rise of The Planet of The Apes (yet another origins tale) which will tell the events that lead up to the ape uprising and, ultimately, the world domination of the apes. Rise of the Planet of The Apes is scheduled for an August 5 release.

And lastly, Conan the Barbarian played by Jason Momoa (Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original films)is a remake of the original legend and is scheduled for release on August 19.

So what do YOU think?  Anything that should have been included? Any that should have been left out?

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