
Friday, January 14, 2011

Rumor-Mill of the Day: Kirsten Van Wagner, possibly cast as lead in new 'Dark Shadows'

Pure speculation at this time, but according to a post over at BlogofDarkShadows, actress Kirsten Van Wagner,  an unknown, has been cast as the female lead, Victoria Winters in the highly anticipated new Burton/Depp version of Dark Shadows (scheduled to begin shooting in April).

This information was posted in mid-December, and should be taken entirely with a grain of salt, as its source is imdb, which is typically not the most reliable source of information.

The original Victoria Winters was played by Alexandra Moltke, and the 1991 revival was cast with Joanna Going (see photos below).

*update*  Imdb no longer lists Kirsten Van Wagner. It is not, however, unusual for casting to change at this point as the movie is still classified in the early stages of pre-production.

What do you think?  Should an unknown be cast as Victoria Winters in the lead opposite Johnny Depp?

Alexandra Moltke (the original Victoria Winters)
Joanna Going (Victoria Winters in the revival)

[Source:  BlogofDarkShadows]
Topics: movie, news, casting

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I am having issues with formatting. Please bear with me as I continue to try to get this kink worked out.
